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Individual Counseling
The Challenge
Eating healthy and being physically active can be difficult to accomplish, given the environments in which we live. Foods and beverages high in fat, sugar and calories are marketed to us constantly, and are available everywhere – the vending machine at work, the refreshment stand at a fair or a ballpark, fast food eateries lining the streets. Healthy choices aren’t as ubiquitous, however, and often must be sought out. Physical activity can be elusive as well. Most of our communities are built in a manner that is not “activity-friendly.” Often there are no sidewalks, and stores and services are not located closely enough to allow for walking, or even biking. This can make living a healthy lifestyle a real challenge.
Making It Easy
But it can be done! You can navigate your environment and make the choices that lead to good health. In many instances you can even change your environment to make it more health-friendly. And you don’t have to do it alone! David Rath Nutrition will provide you with the knowledge, skills and support that will enable you to incorporate healthy eating and activity into your life with a minimum of sacrifice. You’ll learn how to make healthy choices in situations that encourage otherwise. You’ll also learn what environments you have the ability to control and how to do so. Ensure your success by eliminating temptation and making healthy choices the easy choices!
Here’s What Will Happen
David Rath Nutrition uses the Nutrition Care Process of the national Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for the care of each client. This includes:
Assessment and Diagnosis
- Review of your medical status, including your health history and your family’s health history
- Biochemical data (blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, triglycerides, etc.)
- Nutrition history – your eating habits, dieting history, supplement use, and other pertinent nutrition information
- An interview assessment of your general lifestyle, including activity level, work hours, stress level, sleeping patterns, hobbies, etc.
- Your nutritional knowledge and culinary skills/interests
- Anthropometric measurements – your weight, height, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat
- Diagnosis based on the information above
Nutrition Intervention
- A dietitian will provide you with the appropriate nutrition education and counseling to increase your knowledge and skills, so that you can make the necessary lifestyle changes
- You will receive a folder with educational and reference materials to assist in lifestyle changes
- You will set short-term, attainable goals, along with specific means by which you will achieve them between sessions
- A dietitian will coordinate your nutrition care with other health providers working with you
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Anthropometric measures each session to determine your progress
- Dietary analysis of your 3-Day Food Record and recommendations for you by the dietitian
- You and your dietitian will review your progress in attaining the goals set at the last session
- Nutrition education and counseling relevant to your needs and concerns will be provided to you by a dietitian
- You will renew or modify your goals for the next session
You don’t have to do it alone. Get the support you need - contact David Rath Nutrition to discuss your situation today!